Marketers Video Player

Capture An Endless Stream Of FREE Viral Traffic With An All NEW, All-in-One Video Plugin!
Transform Your Visitors Into Customers!

Marketers Video Player: MVP! Your All-In-One Solution

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WordPress Video Player
WordPress Video Player Plugin

Are you ready to take your video marketing to the next level?

Say hello to the Marketers Video Player (MVP) the most powerful and feature-packed WordPress video plugin designed to skyrocket your engagement, conversions, and profits!

Best WordPress Video Player

WP MVP Plugin Features

1. Manage Videos

MVP comes with a comprehensive Dashboard where you can manage, control, and configure your videos and how you would like them to behave. MVP Dashboard is where you select your video either as a link from YouTube or a stand alone MP4 format that you can upload and host on your own host, everything is set so simple and self explanatory that you wont even need a video tutorial to learn how to use it, although we have provided you with a full how-to tutorial anyway.
All in one WordPress Video Player
Marketesr Video Player plugin

2. Affiliate Marketing

Once you have your video selected, one of the many amazing features unique to MVP, is that you can promote and affiliate Offer if you wish and or send your visitor to any other website you would like them to go! Yes, you can even configure when this should happen, during the video and or at the end of it, its completely up to you when this should pop up

3. Autoresponder Integration

Oh Yes, You can use MVP as a lead capture, configure your MVP via its dashboard, connect it to your Autoresponder provider!
MVP works with well knowon Autoresponders like:
-MailChimp -SendLane
Or use and embed their code

4. Scheduled Opt-Ins

Once you have your Autoresponder connected, via dashboard, you can schedule as to when during the Video the email capture form should show up, and it will appear within the video!
Its completely up to you to allow skipping and or keeping it until your visitor enters their name and email address! All you have to do is to configure it to how its suits your business

5. Video Player With Shortcode

Each Video you create will have its own short code for you to place where you see fit!
Also You have the option to create your own Play List as well.
Best WordPress Video Player

6. Dynamic Skins

Did we say you can also choos a skin for your video?
Yes, there are many frames and or skins to choose from to make your video stand out, if you to choose to do so, all you need to do is via your dashboard, browse through the frame/skin images and choose the one you see fits the most, and wala!

7. In Video Side Button Options

Did you know you can have a side menu on your Video using MVP? You can create a button and associate it with various options available, like a map to your location, another post or page with in or outside of your site, you can also have a video icon for related Videos you have to what you are showing!

Best WordPress Video Player
Best WordPress Video Player

8. Content Revealer

With MVP, you can hide any content you want to have under your video for as long as you like, and revel them when you want by scheduling it, choose the time you would like to have the content reviled, and until then, all your visitors will see is just the Video! Use this option to keep the visitors on your page longer and build anticipation, then show them what they have been waiting for, when you want them to see it!

9. Social Share/Lock Scheduler

Want to spread the word?
Easy! configure The Social Lock to pop on your video at any time you woud like it pop! it will stop the video and wont go away, well, unless you configure it to allow skip, untill the visitor Shares your Video!
Best WordPress Video Player
Best WordPress Video Player

10. Call To Action

With MVP, you can choose to show calls to action! A call to action (CTA) prompt in a video is an essential tool that can help achieve various benefits::
Encourages audience to engage with the content
Drives conversions
CTA prompt can help increase the retention rate of a video and provides a clear direction to the audience about what to do next. This eliminates any confusion or uncertainty and helps the viewer move forward with their engagement with the brand.

11. Sticky Video

While Your video is playing or not, you can enable the follow function. Just Like FaceBook The video then will follow the scroll and keeps the visitor engaged!
Best WordPress Video Player

One Of A Kind Powerful WordPress Video Player

Lead Capture

Capture Leads with different popups that can be scheduled at different timeframe of videos.

Affiliate Marketing

Generate sales and traffic by promoting your products or services as direct page link in a popup at different video intervals.

Auto responder Intergrations

Integrate best autoresponders like Mailchimp, Get Response, Aweber. Sendlane or raw code

Social Lock on videos

Add Social lock on video timeframe to promote your pages or posts at different social media platforms.

Content Reveler on Videos

Add dynamic content reveler with customized text, html and short-codes on video length.

Dynamic Skins

Add fancy and eye-catchy video skins to videos. So that videos will look user friendly and attractive.


Manage Playlist

Manage your platlist to combine and promote similar videos in a single platlist.

Optins on Videos

Add Optin forms on different video timeframes and get leads in configured autoresponder.

Easily Configure Videos on Your WordPress websites

Set up Marketers Video player in Clicks

Add Your Video

Upload videos to the Marketer Video Player or add them from sources such as YouTube, Vimeo and Local Pc

Customize the Video Player

Add an overlay, enable autoplay, select a video preset, add chapters, and add CTA to customize the video.โ€‹

Add It to Your Page

Use the ready page builder blocks or get the shortcode from Media to embed the player into posts and pages.

Copyright © 2024 MVP Marketers Video Player